Contribution Points allow you to get all sorts of unique great stuff. This ranges from rare items to custom decorations to add to your homes. You can even use them to request new content for the game or purchase more property.

Buying Points:

We currently accept payments via Paypal:

100 points
(20 points per dollar)
350 points
(23 points per dollar)
15 USD
1000 points
(28 points per dollar!) Best Value!
35 USD

Sweet Stuff:

This is a sampling of what we're offering for contribution points:

For every 10 squares of property (That's about two screenfulls for 100 points)
1 Point
Contributor's Crown *Unique!* - Wearers have a 25% chance of earning extra skill points.
40 Points
Large Backpack *Unique!* - Wearers get 20 extra inventory slots.
30 Points
Apple Cookbook - Many new apple-related cooking recipes.
5 Points
Set of Tools - All six of the basic tools: Axe, Hammer, Pickaxe, Shovel, Scythe, and Shears. Easily fast track your character past the basic quests.
15 Points
Basic Materials: 20 of your choice of the following: logs, stone blocks, cut grass, mohair fleece, or blood.
3 Points
Unique Furniture- can't get it anywhere else!
20 points each
Unique Wall Decorations- spice up your place like no one else can; show off real luxury and power.
15 points each
Custom Player Icon: Have a unique image for your player, contact for choices or addition of new images.
100 points (new imagery may cost more)
Custom Items: Requires high skill for what you are inventing. Subject to gameplay adjustments.Starting at 250 points
Custom Furniture: Requires high skill for what you are inventing. Subject to gameplay adjustments.Starting at 300 points
Discover an Island: Set sail to find a new landmass. An explorer may contribute to the charactaristics of the island. Subject to availability and additional termsStarting at 4000 points
Buy an Island: As above, but it all belongs to you!Starting at 10000 points