About Howling Moon

Howling Moon Software was founded in 2007 by two Minnesotan developers. We strive to release fun and polished games for a variety of audiences. Much of our own work is highlighted on this webpage, but we've also done a lot of contract development. Scott Lembcke developed the Chipmunk Physics engine, which is one of the flagship products of Howling Moon Software.
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Privacy Policy and Disclaimer
We respect your privacy and will never give or sell your personal information to anyone. Our payment processing is currently handled through eSellerate, and all personal information is securely stored on their servers. Your payment information is never exposed to Howling Moon Software. eSellerate's privacy policy is available in detail.
There are no warranties and no liability assumed for any of our software. That being said, we work hard to produce quality software and appreciate bug reports sent to our support email. See our detailed liability disclaimer.
As co-founder of Howling Moon Software, I have authored or participated in the development of over a dozen video games on platforms from the original iPhone to the latest iPads, Android tablets, custom x86 tablets, Mac, Windows, and Unity3D webplayer. We use Chipmunk2D, C#, Objective-C, OpenGL, Metal, Unity3D, and countless other technologies.Our clients include Disney, Warner Bros, silicon valley tech startups, local Minnesota companies, and independent developers all over the world.
Andy's personal webpage is at http://kortham.net/.
andy (at) howlingmoonsoftware.com
Scott is well known for the Chipmunk Physics Engine, a fast 2D physics engine. In recent years, Chipmunk has become a big part of Howling Moon Software's business and expertise.
Scott is a big fan of chiptune music. His personal webpage is at http://slembcke.net/.
scott (at) howlingmoonsoftware.com