Extended Credits:
First of all, thanks to Bobby Kwakkernaat for the title screen artwork, icons, and many of the sprites seen throughout the game. Thanks to many people who have
released sounds for us to use:
Derivative works created and used with permissions under creative commons license. We hereby attribute their work:
Goal Orb Bell:
Dragging stone and bump:
Green orb slurp:
By mookie182, http://www.freesound.org/usersViewSingle.php?id=526663
Gravity orb pulse:
Walter Odington, http://www.freesound.org/usersViewSingle.php?id=48671
Fire crackling:
Sliding stone sound:
Ludovic Kierasinski
Ratchet sound:
atomota, http://www.freesound.org/usersViewSingle.php?id=193695
Chain sound:
daveincamas, http://www.freesound.org/usersViewSingle.php?id=111413